Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery Photos Day by Day

Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery Photos Day by Day: Your Complete Guide to Healing after Eyelid Surgery

Are you considering upper blepharoplasty to rejuvenate your appearance? Join us as we delve into the complete healing journey after eyelid surgery through a patient’s experience, complete with upper blepharoplasty recovery photos day by day.

Key Takeaways

  • Upper blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin from the upper eyelids.

  • Swelling and bruising can be expected in the initial days of recovery, while gradual improvement and stitches removal will occur over seven days.

  • Weeks 4-6 mark semi-full recovery with sun protection and skincare recommended to maintain results. The scar will continue to lighten for up to a year. Avoid UV light to prevent scar darkening.

Understanding Upper Blepharoplasty

A patient undergoing upper blepharoplasty surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance

Upper blepharoplasty, also known as upper eyelid surgery, is a procedure that addresses hooded upper eyelids by removing excess skin and revealing a more youthful appearance. Patients often consider this surgery in their late 30s and seek the guidance of a cosmetic surgeon. Here at Leva Medical Dr Jean-Paul Leva preforms this procedure.

This surgical treatment offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Revealing more of the eyelid

  • Creating a balanced look

  • Reducing the weight of the upper lids

  • Potentially helping to increase blood flow to the area

During the consultation appointment, Dr Leva will provide detailed information about the actual surgery, including the surgical procedure, and the recovery process.

Preparing for Your Upper Eyelid Surgery

  1. Pre-Surgical Consultation and Education:

    • Procedure Overview: During our consultation, I'll provide detailed insights into the surgery and the post-operative care requirements. Understanding these aspects is key to a smooth recovery.

  2. Medication and Supplement Adjustments:

    • Medications to Avoid: Discontinue medications that increase bleeding risk, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs, prior to surgery. Inform me of all your current medications and supplements.

    • Supplements to Avoid: Refrain from taking Omega-3 and Vitamin E supplements as they can also increase bleeding risk. We will discuss your specific needs during your consultation.

  3. Day-of-Surgery Preparations:

    • No Creams, Makeup, or Lotions: On the day of the surgery, avoid applying any creams, makeup, or lotions to your face. This helps to minimize the risk of infection and ensures a clean surgical area.

  4. Pre-Surgery Planning:

    • Responsibility Management: Take care of any significant commitments well before your surgery.

    • Home Readiness: Stock your home with easy meals and essentials to avoid strenuous activities post-surgery.

    • Childcare Plans: If you have children, arrange childcare for at least the first week of recovery.

  5. Post-Surgery Recovery Tips:

    • Sleeping Position: To reduce swelling and support healing, sleep with your head elevated and on your back.

A Day-by-Day Guide to Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery

This segment offers an in-depth analysis of the recovery timeline, highlighting daily progress, symptoms, and milestones to guide you through your healing process following upper blepharoplasty surgery.

Days 1-3: Initial Swelling and Bruising

During the first few days after your eyelid surgery, you can expect swelling and bruising to occur. To minimize discomfort, apply ice in 15-minute intervals as needed. These should be cold but not frozen as to precent thermal damage to the skin. Remember, each person’s healing process is unique, and some might experience longer-lasting bruising than others.

Swelling and bruising typically occur in the early stages of upper blepharoplasty recovery. Adhering to your surgeon’s advice and giving priority to rest is key for successful healing.

Days 4-7: Gradual Improvement and Stitches Removal

Between days 4 and 7, which is about a week, you’ll notice a gradual improvement in swelling and bruising as your body continues to heal. By the seventh day, it’s common for the stitches to be removed, marking a significant milestone in your recovery journey.

As your body heals, the positive outcomes of your upper blepharoplasty surgery will become evident. Bear in mind, patience is paramount, and it’s vital to adhere to your surgeon’s guidance and make rest a priority during this time.

Days 8-14: Continued Healing and Returning to Daily Activities

During the second week of recovery, you’ll experience continued healing, with bruising around the eyes subsiding within 1-2 weeks. By the end of this period, most patients can return to work and daily activities, although it’s crucial to avoid excessive physical activity and heavy lifting.

Maintaining a balanced diet, abstaining from alcohol and smoking, and keeping your head elevated while sleeping for at least 3-4 weeks will help to minimize eyelid swelling. A structured recovery strategy is crucial for achieving optimal results from your upper blepharoplasty surgery.

Weeks 3-4: Final Results and Full Recovery

By weeks 3-4, most patients experience the majority of healing and can enjoy the semi-final results of their upper blepharoplasty. Swelling and bruising should have diminished significantly, and any drainage or separation at the suture lines should have disappeared.

To sustain the success of your surgery and the renewed look of your eyelids, heed your surgeon’s recommendations on sun protection and skincare. Strict compliance with these suggestions ensures the enduring benefits of your upper blepharoplasty.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery Process

Adhering to your surgeon’s guidelines during the post-surgery recovery period is key to a successful recuperation and minimizing potential complications. Emphasize rest and getting a good night’s sleep, as not getting enough sleep can hinder wound healing.

Maintain a healthy diet, abstain from consuming:

  • alcohol

  • salty and processed foods

  • aspirin

  • ibuprofen

  • other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications

Wound Care:

  • For the first two weeks, use antibiotic ointment as directed to prevent infection. This can be applied with a Q-Tip


  • After the first two weeks when all the scabs have fallen off, switch to using silicon scar gel. This can aid in the healing process and improve the appearance of scars.



Upper blepharoplasty can rejuvenate your appearance and boost your confidence. By understanding the procedure, adequately preparing for surgery, and diligently following your surgeon’s advice during the recovery process, you can enjoy a smooth healing journey and achieve the best possible results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to look normal after upper eyelid surgery?

It typically takes about 7-10 days to look more like yourself and 6 weeks for the semi-final results to be apparent after upper eyelid surgery. It will take 1 full year for the full result.

Will you look different after upper eyelid surgery?

You should expect to have brighter, tighter, and more open eyes after upper eyelid surgery, making you look natural yet more youthful and vibrant.

How long do you have to sleep sitting up after eyelid surgery?

For the first week after eyelid surgery, it is important to sleep with your head elevated above your heart, which can be achieved by using an extra pillow. This will help with the swelling after surgery.

How long will my vision be blurry after blepharoplasty?

It may take up to three weeks for your vision to return to normal after blepharoplasty, although you may experience temporary blurry or double vision caused by swelling during the first few days.

How to clean eyelids after eyelid surgery?

Clean your eyelids after surgery by washing your hands thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial soap, then use saline solution and sterile gauze pads to gently remove any superficial debris.