Inverted Nipple Surgery

Understanding Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery

Inverted nipple repair, often referred to as inverted nipple correction surgery, is a cosmetic surgical technique specially developed to correct nipple inversion—a common condition where nipples, instead of protruding naturally, turn inward or lay flat. Nipple inversion can affect one or both breasts and may be congenital or develop later due to factors such as breastfeeding, trauma, or changes in breast tissue.

While nipple inversion is often considered a cosmetic concern, it can cause functional issues, particularly with breastfeeding. Moreover, it can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and discomfort, affecting self-esteem. As a result, many people opt for inverted nipple correction surgery to enhance their confidence and quality of life.

Why Choose Leva Medical for Your Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery?

At Leva Medical, our experienced cosmetic surgeons are skilled in the latest inverted nipple correction techniques. We are committed to providing patient-centered care, delivering a safe and effective procedure tailored to your needs and aesthetic goals. Our practice, accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, is recognized for its high safety and patient care standards.

We understand that every patient has unique health histories, breast shapes, and degrees of nipple inversion. Hence, we customize each surgical plan to suit individual patient's needs, aiming to achieve a natural appearance and optimal outcomes.

Personalized Consultation and Procedure Planning

During your initial consultation, our team conducts a comprehensive nipple examination, considering factors such as the severity of the inversion, nipple and areola size, and any associated conditions like breast cancer. We discuss your options for nipple correction surgery, explain the procedure in detail, answer any questions, and decide on the best surgical technique for you together.

The procedure, generally performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, takes approximately one hour. Our surgical technique primarily involves making a small incision at the base of the nipple. Through this incision, the tethering milk ducts causing the inversion are carefully cut to release the nipple, while preserving as much of the ductal system as possible. This method not only enables the nipple to protrude naturally but also maintains nipple sensitivity and the possibility of breastfeeding in the future.

Post-Operative Care and Recovery

After the inverted nipple correction surgery, proper nipple care is crucial for optimal healing and results. To aid healing, you might need to wear a protective shield over the nipple to maintain its new shape and protect it from clothing pressure and friction. We advise avoiding strenuous activities, exercise, and heavy lifting for a few weeks following the surgery.

Our team will provide detailed post-operative care instructions, including guidance on wound care, bathing, and managing any discomfort. Most patients experience some swelling and bruising, which usually subside within three days. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing.

Inverted nipple correction surgery offers numerous benefits, including a change in appearance, enhanced self-confidence, improved nipple sensitivity, and potentially the ability to breastfeed. However, everyone's experience is unique, and benefits can vary. Hence, a thorough discussion with your surgeon about what you can realistically expect from the procedure is crucial.

Contact Leva Medical Today

If you're self-conscious about inverted nipples, understand that you're not alone and that effective treatments are available. At Leva Medical, we're dedicated to helping you explore your options and determine if inverted nipple correction surgery is the right choice for you. We believe every patient deserves to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, and our team is committed to helping you realize that goal.

Contact us today to schedule a private consultation with one of our expert cosmetic surgeons. During this session, we'll answer all your questions, discuss your goals and expectations, and devise the best course of action based on your individual needs and circumstances. Don't let inverted nipples hinder your self-esteem or lifestyle. Reach out to us and take the first step towards feeling more confident and comfortable with your body.


This is a medical procedure aimed at correcting inverted or retracted nipples. It involves modifying the tissues within the nipple to allow it to protrude naturally. This surgery can be performed for both cosmetic and functional reasons.

The surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia, so you should not feel any pain during the procedure. Some discomfort or mild pain may be experienced during the recovery period, but this is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.

Inverted nipple surgery is relatively quick, typically taking between 1 to 2 hours. The exact duration can vary based on individual circumstances and the complexity of the procedure.

Recovery time varies between individuals, but most patients can return to work and normal activities within a few days. Physical activities, particularly those that may cause impact or friction on the chest, should be avoided for about 2-3 weeks to allow proper healing.

The ability to breastfeed after surgery depends on the ability to breast feed before the surgery. It's important to discuss this with your surgeon prior to the procedure.

In most cases, the results of inverted nipple surgery are permanent. However, there are instances where the nipples can become inverted again, such as after significant weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including infection, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and difficulties with breastfeeding. It's important to discuss these potential risks with your surgeon to make an informed decision.

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions based on your individual circumstances. Generally, you may be asked to stop taking certain medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risk, and to quit smoking if you're a smoker, as it can interfere with the healing process.