Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Otoplasty Surgery at Leva Medical By Dr. Jean-Paul Leva

About Otoplasty

Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery, is a cosmetic facial procedure that can correct prominent or protruding ears, improving the shape, position, or proportion of the ears. At Leva Medical, we are experienced with both left ear and right ear pinning surgery and are capable of addressing asymmetry with precision.

As a board certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jean-Paul Leva understands that individual results may vary, and tailors the otoplasty procedure to meet your specific needs and goals. This ensures you achieve the unique look you desire, boosting your self confidence.

The Procedure

The otoplasty surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and takes about one to two hours to complete. After the procedure, you will need to wear a protective headband for a few days to support the healing process. If you're considering otoplasty or any other surgical facial procedures, such as rhinoplasty or forehead repair, feel free to schedule a consultation with our expert team to discuss your options and achieve the look you desire.

In addition to otoplasty, Dr. Leva also offers a variety of other procedures for both the face and body, helping you to feel comfortable and confident with your appearance.


If you have any concerns or questions about the otoplasty procedure, our friendly and professional staff are more than happy to talk you through the details and answer all your questions. We want to make the decision-making process as easy as possible for you. Feel free to contact us by phone or email to set an appointment or request more information. 


Otoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting the shape, position, or proportion of the ears.

Otoplasty is often performed to address prominent or protruding ears, ear deformities, or to correct ear asymmetry.

Otoplasty can be performed using various techniques, but it usually involves making incisions behind the ear to reshape the cartilage and bring the ears closer to the head.

Good candidates for otoplasty include individuals with fully developed ears, both children and adults, who are in good overall health and have realistic expectations.

Otoplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, ensuring that the procedure is pain-free. Some discomfort or mild pain may be experienced during the recovery period.

After the procedure, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the ears. It is necessary to wear a supportive bandage or headband for a few weeks to aid in the healing process.

While otoplasty is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the results. These risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced surgeon.

Incisions made during otoplasty are typically placed in inconspicuous areas behind the ear, minimizing the visibility of any resulting scars. Proper wound care and following post-operative instructions can also help minimize scarring.

Otoplasty is primarily a cosmetic procedure and is not intended to impact hearing. The surgical modifications focus on reshaping the external ear, leaving the ear canal and inner ear unaffected.

Yes, the results of otoplasty are generally permanent. The reshaped ears should maintain their new position and appearance over time.

In some cases, otoplasty might be covered by health insurance, particularly if it is deemed medically necessary due to a congenital defect or trauma. However, if the procedure is performed purely for cosmetic reasons, it is generally not covered by insurance.